
User Guide for Genius Workspace Manager

Welcome to the Genius Workspace Manager, a powerful tool designed to help administrators efficiently manage users, groups, domains, licenses, and other key aspects of their organization. This add-on simplifies bulk operations, allowing you to create, update, delete, and export various Google Workspace entities with just a few clicks.

With this add-on, you can:

  • Manage Users – Create, update, suspend, delete, and export user accounts.
  • Manage Groups – Add or remove users from groups, update groups, and export group data.
  •  Handle Organizational Units – Organize users into different units and manage them effectively.
  • Manage User, Group & Domain Aliases – Create and delete email aliases for users and groups.
  • Work with Custom Schemas – Add and modify custom attributes for users.
  • Manage Licenses – Assign or remove Google Workspace licenses in bulk.
  • Manage Domains & Shared Contacts – Add new domains, manage shared contacts, and export data.
  • Use Add-on Utilities – Automate tasks like managing sheets and schedules.  

Who Should Use This Add-on?

This add-on is ideal for Google Workspace administrators who need a fast and efficient way to manage their organization’s accounts and settings. Whether you’re onboarding new employees, updating group memberships, or handling security tasks, this tool helps save time and reduce manual effort

Getting Started

This add-on is ideal for Google Workspace administrators who need a fast and efficient way to manage their organization’s accounts and settings. Whether you’re onboarding new employees, updating group memberships, or handling security tasks, this tool helps save time and reduce manual effort


These are the fundamental actions you’ll use regularly. Every action have 2 steps.

The first step is the Initialization. 

This step contains the selection of the action you want to make and the creation of the sheet to set the data of the action. From this step you can Create a new sheet if you already have the specific action sheet.

The second step is the execution of the action. After initializing an action you can add the data you want to create or modify on the corresponding entity.

After you complete the insertion of data you can click Execute for the action to take place. A status column will be present to inform you about the result of the action in every row.

Manage Users

Create, update, suspend, un-suspend, delete, and export user accounts.

Create Users

To create users follow the steps below: 
Select the action Manage Users > Create Users and click Initialize

Every column with asterisk * is required.

  • Primary Email * – The primary email of the new user
  • First Name *
  • Last Name *
  • Org Unit – The organization unit of the newly created user. If left blank then user will attach to root org unit.
  • Generate Password
  • Generated Password Length
  • Password
  • Change Password After login
  • Secondary Email
  • Secondary Phone

If you want to generate a password for the newly created users you can select one of the options in the Generate Password column. The password options are as follows: 

  • No (No password will be generated)
  • Only letters (A password that contains only letters will be generated)
  • Numbers + Letters (A password that contains numbers and letters will be generated)
  • Symbols + Letters (A password that contains symbols and letters will be generated)
  • Numbers + Symbols + Letters (A password that contains symbols, numbers and letters will be generated)

You can also determine the length of the generated password from the column Generated Password Length. The default length is 8 characters.

If you want to set your own password just input your password at column Password.

When you are done inserting your users click Execute to start the bulk creation process.

Every row will output a status of the creation on the Creation status column. Keep in mind that after creation the generated passwords will be filled at Password column. You should store those passwords as you cannot retrieve them in any other way.

Update Users

To update users follow the steps below: 

Select the action Manage Users > Update Users and click Initialize

If you want to fill the created sheet with users you can check the With genius filters checkbox. This will show a search form to search for the users you want to be filled into the created sheet. The filter list is shown below: 

  • Search by First Name (text)
  • Search by Last Name (text)
  • Search by email (text)
  • Org Units (dropdown)
  • Suspended (dropdown)
  • Last login before (date)

Every column with asterisk * is required.

  • Primary Email * – The primary email of the user to be updated
  • First Name *
  • Last Name *
  • Org Unit – The organization unit of the newly created user. If left blank then user will attach to root org unit.
  • Generate Password
  • Generated Password Length
  • Password
  • Change Password After login
  • Secondary Email
  • Secondary Phone

If you want to generate a password for the users you can select one of the options in the Generate Password column. The password options are as follows: 

  • No (No password will be generated)
  • Only letters (A password that contains only letters will be generated)
  • Numbers + Letters (A password that contains numbers and letters will be generated)
  • Symbols + Letters (A password that contains symbols and letters will be generated)
  • Numbers + Symbols + Letters (A password that contains symbols, numbers and letters will be generated)

You can also determine the length of the generated password from the column Generated Password Length. The default length is 8 characters.

If you want to set your own password just input your password at column Password.

When you are done inserting your users click Execute to start the bulk update process.

Every row will output a status of the update on the Update status column. Keep in mind that after the update the generated passwords will be filled in the Password column. You should store those passwords as you cannot retrieve them in any other way.

Delete Users

To delete users follow the steps below: 

Select the action Manage Users > Delete Users and click Initialize.

To delete a user add user’s email address to column Primary Email *. 

You can choose to transfer the deleted user’s drive files to another user before deletion by selecting Transfer drive data column to one of the following choices: PRIVATE, SHARED or PRIVATE + SHARED.

You can also choose to transfer calendar’s data to another user by selecting Yes on the Transfer calendar data column. 

In any case if you want to transfer any of the above mentioned data, you must input a valid email address on the Transfer data user email column which refers to the user who the data will be transferred to.

When you are done inserting your users you want to delete click Execute to start the bulk delete process.

Every row will output a status of the deletion on the Delete status column.

Suspend Users

To suspend users follow the steps below: 

Select the action Manage Users > Suspend Users and click Initialize.

To suspend a user add user’s email address to column Primary Email *. 

When you are done inserting your users you want to delete click Execute to start the bulk Suspend process.

If you want the process to run on a specified date and time you can fill the field Schedule execution before clicking Execute. This action will execute the task in the specified time. To read or remove scheduled tasks navigate to Add-On Utilities > Export Schedules or Remove Schedules accordingly.

Every row will output a status of the suspension on the Suspend status column.

Unsuspend Users

To un-suspend users follow the steps below: 

Select the action Manage Users > Unuspend Users and click Initialize.

To un-suspend a user add user’s email address to column Primary Email *. 

When you are done inserting your users you want to delete click Execute to start the bulk Unsuspend process.

If you want the process to run on a specified date and time you can fill the field Schedule execution before clicking Execute. This action will execute the task in the specified time. To read or remove scheduled tasks navigate to Add-On Utilities > Export Schedules or Remove Schedules accordingly.

Every row will output a status of the un-suspension on the Unsuspend status column.

Export Users

To export users follow the steps below: 

Select the action Manage Users > Export Users and click Initialize

If you want to fill the created sheet with users you can check the With genius filters checkbox. This will show a search form to search for the users you want to be filled into the created sheet. The filter list is shown below: 

  • Search by First Name (text)
  • Search by Last Name (text)
  • Search by email (text)
  • Org Units (dropdown)
  • Suspended (dropdown)
  • Last login before (date)

If you Initialize without filtering all the users will be fetched.

Manage Groups

Create, update, delete, and export groups.

Create Groups

Every column with asterisk * is required.

  • Group Email *
  • Group Name *
  • Description

When you are done inserting your group data you want to create click Execute to start the bulk creation process.

Every row will output a status of the creation on the Creation status column.

Update Groups

To update groups follow the steps below: 

Select the action Manage Groups > Update groups and click Initialize.

Every column with asterisk * is required.

  • Group Email *
  • Group Name *
  • Description

When you are done inserting your group data you want to update click Execute to start the bulk update process.

Every row will output a status of the update on the Update status column.

Delete Groups

To delete groups follow the steps below: 

Select the action Manage Groups > Delete groups and click Initialize.

To delete a group add group’s email to column Group Email *. 

When you are done inserting your groups you want to delete click Execute to start the bulk deletion process.

Every row will output a status of the deletion on the Deletion status column.

Export Groups

To export groups follow the steps below: 

Select the action Manage Groups > Export groups and click Initialize.

Manage Members

Add, update, delete and export members. Member is defined as the connection between a user and a group. A user that belongs to a group is a group member. When editing members you are editing only that connection between users and groups.

Add Members

To add members to groups follow the steps below: 

Select the action Manage Members > Add members and click Initialize.

Every column with asterisk * is required.

  • Group email * – is the primary email address of the group.
  • Member email * –  is the primary email address of the user.
  • Member Role – can have one of the following values: OWNER, MANAGER, MEMBER. The default value is MEMBER.
  • Delivery Settings – refers to the email notifications that the user will receive from the group and can have one of the following values: ALL_MAIL, DAILY, DIGEST, NONE.

When you are done inserting your member data you want to create click Execute to start the bulk creation process.

Every row will output a status of the creation on the Creation status column.

Update Members

To update members follow the steps below: 

Select the action Manage Members > Update members and click Initialize

Every column with asterisk * is required.

  • Group email * – is the primary email address of the group.
  • Member email * – is the primary email address of the user.
  • Member Role – can have one of the following values: OWNER, MANAGER, MEMBER. The default value is MEMBER.
  • Delivery Settings – refers to the email notifications that the user will receive from the group and can have one of the following values: ALL_MAIL, DAILY, DIGEST, NONE.

When you are done inserting your member data you want to update click Execute to start the bulk update process.

Every row will output a status of the update on the Update status column.

Delete Members

To delete members from groups follow the steps below: 

Select the action Manage Members > Delete members and click Initialize

Every column with asterisk * is required.

  • Group email * – is the primary email address of the group.
  • Member email * – is the primary email address of the user.

When you are done inserting your member data you want to delete click Execute to start the bulk deletion process.

Every row will output a status of the deletion on the Delete status column.

Export Members

To export members of groups follow the steps below: 

Select the action Manage Members > Export members and click Initialize.

After initialization a sheet will be created with a single column named Insert Group emails for search. In this column you can insert the group emails of which you want to export their members. After inserting the group emails click Execute to export the group members. 

OAuth Tokens

Export and delete user’s OAuth tokens.

Export All User Tokens

To export all user tokens select the action OAuth Tokens > Export all user tokens and click Initialize

This export will provide the Primary email address of each user with the corresponding application name and token in which the user is logged

Export Given Users Tokens

To export only the given users tokens select the action OAuth Tokens > Export Given Users Tokens and click Initialize

After initialization a sheet will be created with a single column named Search users by Primary email. In this column you can insert the users primary emails of which you want to export their tokens. After inserting the users emails click Execute to export the user tokens.

This export will provide the Primary email address of each user with the corresponding application name and token in which the user is logged.

Delete Client from Given Users

To delete OAuth tokens from the given users select the action OAuth Tokens >  Delete Client from Given users and click Initialize.

Every column with asterisk * is required.

  • Primary Email * – is the primary email address of the user.
  • Token * – is the token information of the OAuth exports.

When you are done inserting your token data you want to delete click Execute to start the bulk deletion process.

Every row will output a status of the deletion on the Delete status column.

Manage Organization Units

Add, update, delete and export organization units

Create Organization Units

To create organization units select the action Manage Organization Units >  Create organization units and click Initialize.

Every column with asterisk * is required.

  • Name * – This is the organization unit name
  • Parent Org Unit Path – This is the path of the desired parent organization unit. Default value is / (root). You can create multiple org units and use them as parent org units in later records. That’s why the Parent Org Unit Path is not a dropdown.
  • Description

When you are done inserting your org unit data you want to create click Execute to start the bulk creation process.

Every row will output a status of the creation on the Creation status column.

Update Organization Units

To update organization units select the action Manage Organization Units >  Update organization units and click Initialize.

Every column with asterisk * is required.

  • Org Unit Path * – This is the organization unit path
  • Name – If you want to change the org unit name set it in this column. If you don’t want to change the name then leave it blank.
  • Description – If you want to change the org unit description then set it in this column. If you don’t want to change the description then leave it blank.
  • Parent Org Unit Path – This is the path of the desired parent organization unit. If you don’t want to change Parent org Unit then leave it blank.

When you complete an update that changes the Name or Parent of the organization unit then the dropdown lists will change to match the updated data. 

When you are done inserting your org unit data you want to update click Execute to start the bulk update process.

Every row will output a status of the update on the Update status column.

Delete Organization Units

To delete organization units select the action Manage Organization Units >  Delete organization units and click Initialize.

Every column with asterisk * is required.

  • Org Unit Path * – This is the organization unit full path.

When you are done inserting your org unit data you want to delete click Execute to start the bulk deletion process.Every row will output a status of the deletion on the Delete status column.

Export Organization Units

To export organization units follow the steps below: 

Select the action Manage Organization Units >  Export organization units and click Initialize.

Manage Aliases

Create, delete and export aliases for users, groups and domains.

Create User Aliases

To create users aliases select Manage Aliases > Create User Aliases and click Initialize.

Every column with asterisk * is required.

  • Primary email * – User’s primary email
  • Alias Email * – The alias email you want to set for the user

When you are done inserting your user alias data you want to create click Execute to start the bulk creation process.Every row will output a status of the creation on the Creation status column

Delete User Aliases

To delete users aliases select Manage Aliases > Delete User Aliases and click Initialize.

Every column with asterisk * is required.

  • Primary email * – User’s primary email
  • Alias Email * – The alias email you want to delete

When you are done inserting your user alias data you want to delete click Execute to start the bulk deletion process.Every row will output a status of the deletion on the Deletion status column.

Export User Aliases

To export users aliases select Manage Aliases > Export User Aliases and click Initialize.

Create Group Aliases

To create group aliases select Manage Aliases > Create Group Aliases and click Initialize.

Every column with asterisk * is required.

  • Group email * 
  • Alias Email * – The alias email you want to set for the group

When you are done inserting your group alias data you want to create click Execute to start the bulk creation process.

Every row will output a status of the creation on the Creation status column.

Delete Group Aliases

To delete group aliases select Manage Aliases > Delete Group Aliases and click Initialize.

Every column with asterisk * is required.

  • Group email * 
  • Alias Email * – The alias email you want to delete

When you are done inserting your group alias data you want to delete click Execute to start the bulk deletion process.Every row will output a status of the deletion on the Deletion status column.

Export Group Aliases

To export group aliases select Manage Aliases > Export Group Aliases and click Initialize.

Create Domain Aliases

To create domain aliases select Manage Aliases > Create Domain Aliases and click Initialize.

Every column with asterisk * is required.

  • Domain name * 
  • Alias Name * – The alias name you want to set for the domain

When you are done inserting your domain alias data you want to create click Execute to start the bulk creation process.

Every row will output a status of the creation on the Creation status column.

Delete Domain Aliases

To delete domain aliases select Manage Aliases > Delete Domain Aliases and click Initialize.

Every column with asterisk * is required.

  • Alias Name * – The alias name you want to delete. Every alias name is unique amongst domains

When you are done inserting your domain aliases you want to delete click Execute to start the bulk deletion process.

Every row will output a status of the deletion on the Deletion status column.

Export Domain Aliases

To export domain aliases select Manage Aliases > Export Group Aliases and click Initialize.

Manage Custom Schemas

In this action group you can create, update, delete and export custom schemas. Additionally you can add and delete schema fields from a specific schema and update user’s custom field values.

Create Custom Schema

To create custom schemas select Manage Custom Schemas > Create Custom Schemas and click Initialize.

Every column with asterisk * is required.

  • Schema ID * – The ID of the newly created schema. The value must not contain spaces.
  • Schema name * – The displayed name of the schema
  • Field ID * – The ID of the newly created field. The value must not contain spaces.
  • Field Display Name *
  • Field Type * – Possible values: BOOL, DATE, DOUBLE, EMAIL, INT64, PHONE, STRING
  • Field Read Access Type * – Possible values: ADMINS_AND_SELF, ALL_DOMAIN_USERS
  • Multi field values – Default value NO

When you are done inserting your custom schemas you want to create click Execute to start the bulk creation process.

Every row will output a status of the creation on the Creation status column.

Update Custom Schema

To update custom schemas select Manage Custom Schemas > Update Custom Schemas and click Initialize. On this action you can update only the name of the schema. If you want to update field data then use Add Schema Fields or Delete Schema Fields accordingly.

Every column with asterisk * is required.

  • Schema ID * – The ID of the existing schema. The value must not contain spaces.
  • Schema name * – The displayed name of the schema

When you are done inserting your custom schemas you want to update click Execute to start the bulk update process.

Every row will output a status of the update on the Update status column.

Delete Custom Schemas

To delete custom schemas select Manage Custom Schemas > Delete Custom Schemas and click Initialize.

Every column with asterisk * is required.

  • Schema ID * – The ID of the existing schema. The value must not contain spaces.

When you are done inserting your custom schemas you want to delete click Execute to start the bulk delete process.

Every row will output a status of the delete on the Delete status column.

Add Schema Fields

To add new fields to schemas select Manage Custom Schemas > Add Scheman Fields and click Initialize.

Every column with asterisk * is required.

  • Schema ID * – The ID of the existing schema. The value must not contain spaces.
  • Field ID * – The ID of the newly created field. The value must not contain spaces.
  • Field Display Name *
  • Field Type * – Possible values: BOOL, DATE, DOUBLE, EMAIL, INT64, PHONE, STRING
  • Field Read Access Type * – Possible values: ADMINS_AND_SELF, ALL_DOMAIN_USERS
  • Multi field values – Default value NO

When you are done inserting your schema fields you want to create click Execute to start the bulk creation process.

Every row will output a status of the creation on the Creation status column.

Delete Schema Fields

To delete schema fields select Manage Custom Schemas > Delete Schema fields and click Initialize.

Every column with asterisk * is required.

  • Schema ID * – The ID of the existing schema. The value must not contain spaces.
  • Field ID * – The ID of the existing field

When you are done inserting your schema fields you want to delete click Execute to start the bulk delete process.

Every row will output a status of the delete on the Delete status column.

Update User Custom Schema

To update users schema field values select Manage Custom Schemas > Update user Custom Schema and click Initialize.

Every column with asterisk * is required.

  • Primary Email ID * – The primary email of the user you want to update
  • Schema ID * – The ID of the existing schema. The value must not contain spaces.
  • Field ID * – The ID of the existing field
  • Field Value * – The value of the field you want to insert

When you are done inserting your user schema field values you want to insert / update click Execute to start the bulk update process.

Every row will output a status of the update on the Update status column.

Export Custom Schemas

To export a list of all custom schemas select Manage Custom Schemas > Export Custom Schemas and click Initialize.

Manage Domain Shared Contacts

Create, delete and export Domain Shared Contacts. 

Notice: Contact creations can take up to 24 hours to show on the Google Contacts application.

Create Domain Shared Contacts

To create domain shared contacts select Manage Domain Shared Contacts > Create Domain Shared Contacts and click Initialize.

Every column with asterisk * is required.

  • Email * – The email of the contact
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Phone
  • Company
  • Notes

When you are done inserting your contacts you want to create click Execute to start the bulk creation process.

Every row will output a status of the creation on the Status column.

Delete Domain Shared Contacts

To delete domain shared contacts select Manage Domain Shared Contacts > Delete Domain Shared Contacts and click Initialize.

Every column with asterisk * is required.

  • Email * – The email of the contact

When you are done inserting your contacts you want to delete click Execute to start the bulk deletion process.

Every row will output a status of the deletion on the Status column.

Export Domain Shared Contacts

To export domain shared contacts select Manage Domain Shared Contacts > Export Domain Shared Contacts and click Initialize.

This will create a sheet containing all the domain shared contacts.

Manage Licenses

Assign, remove and export licenses.

Assign Licenses

To assign licenses to users select Manage Licenses > Assign Licenses  and click Initialize.

Every column with asterisk * is required.

  • User Email * – The primary email of the user you want to assign a license to
  • License to assign

When you are done inserting the users licenses you want to assign click Execute to start the bulk assign process.

Every row will output a status of the creation on the Creation status column.

Remove Licenses

To remove licenses from users select Manage Licenses > Remove Licenses  and click Initialize.

Every column with asterisk * is required.

  • User Email * – The primary email of the user you want to assign a license to
  • License to remove

When you are done inserting the user licenses you want to remove click Execute to start the bulk removal process.

Every row will output a status of the removal on the Removal status column.

Export Licenses

To export active licenses select Manage Licenses > Export Licenses  and click Initialize.

This will create a sheet containing all the active users licenses.

Manage Domains

Create, delete and export domains.

Create Domains

To create domains select Manage Domains > Create domains and click Initialize.

Every column with asterisk * is required.

  • Domain * – The domain you want to create.

When you are done inserting the domains you want to create click Execute to start the bulk creation  process.

Every row will output a status of the creation on the Creation status column

Delete Domains

To delete domains select Manage Domains > Delete domains and click Initialize.

Every column with asterisk * is required.

  • Domain * – The domain you want to delete.

When you are done inserting the domains you want to delete click Execute to start the bulk deletion process.

Every row will output a status of the deletion on the Deletion Status column.

Export Domains

To export domains select Manage Domains > Export domains  and click Initialize.

This will create a sheet containing all the domains of the workspace.

Add-On Utilities

This actions group contains a set of actions related to the add-on.

Delete All Sheets

If you want to delete all sheets of the active spreadsheet select Add-On Utilities > Delete all sheets and click Initialize.

This action will delete all the sheets except the active.

Create All Sheets

If you want to create all the sheets for every action of the add-on then select Add-On Utilities > Create all sheets and click Initialize.

This action will create all the sheets of every action of the add-on. This action may take 1-2 minutes to complete.

Export Schedules

If you want to check all the schedules you have set on the add-on then select Add-On Utilities > Export Schedules and click Initialize.

This will create a sheet containing all the schedules of the add-on.

Delete Schedules

If you want to remove a schedule select Add-On Utilities > Delete schedules and click Initialize.

You can get the ID of each schedule you want to remove from the Export Schedules sheet.

When you are done inserting the IDs of the schedules you want to remove click Execute to start the bulk removal process.

Every row will output a status of the removal at the Removal Status column.

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